Committee of Interns & Residents

CIR is the largest house staff union in the United States representing over 33,000 house staff. We unite and empower resident physicians to have a stronger voice within their hospitals. With a growing, nationwide union of residents and fellows, we garner more negotiating power and support for our patients, and our communities. We use our collective voice to advocate for cost-effective, high quality health care for all.

Empowering our nation’s interns, residents and fellows to fight for excellence for our patients, our training and our healthcare system.

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Our Mission

We empower our nation’s interns, residents and fellows to fight for excellence for our patients, our training and our healthcare system through organizing, collective bargaining and advocacy.

Our Issues

Resident Well-Being

Medical education shouldn’t hurt us. Through collective bargaining we’re able to make real change in our hospitals and improve working conditions so that we’re well enough to care for patients.


Our union supports commonsense immigration reform that eliminates waiting periods for green card holders to access public health programs and provides a means for undocumented workers and their children to gain access to care beyond the ER.

Health Justice for All

We advocate for public health measures, gender equality, and policies that address the social determinants leading to persistent disparities in care for people of color, the LGBT community, low-income working families, and immigrants.

Reproductive Justice

To us, it’s clear: limiting healthcare access in any way is harmful. Period. Furthermore, limiting women’s ability to make informed decisions about their families, their bodies and their lives is an egregious attack on human rights.

Racial Justice

We believe that all lives have the same value in the eyes of the justice system, and that the laws of our country need to be enforced equally in every community.

Gun Violence & Public Health

89 people die from gun-related violence everyday. Very little progress has been made to protect our families and communities from senseless acts of violence. Lifting the ban on research would enable us to treat violence as it should be treated: as a public health issue.